CLEISDECX - Glitchsamples by Simoke

Regular price $60.00

Welcome to the world of CLEISDECX, the revolutionary sample pack created by Simoke. This exceptional sound kit offers a wide range of innovative and extraordinarily rich sound design glitches designed to radically transform your musical productions.
CLEISDECX invites you to explore the art of glitching and experience new sonic dimensions. Each sound has been meticulously designed by Simoke, a master sound designer with a passion for innovation and the creation of unique and exciting sounds.
Within CLEISDECX you will find a vast collection of intricate glitches that are based on advanced audio technologies and futuristic concepts. These glitches offer the ability to add layers of sonic complexity to your productions, creating hypnotic atmospheres and surprising rhythms.
Every sound in CLEISDECX has been carefully curated to deliver impeccable quality and an immersive listening experience. In addition to glitches, you will also find a selection of unique sound design elements, including organic sounds and spatial effects.
Whether you are an electronic music producer, a soundtrack composer, or a sound designer looking for inspiration, CLEISDECX offers you a world of sonic possibilities. Unleash your creativity and discover new ways to make your musical productions extraordinary and expressed with a unique style.

Join Simoke on this sonic adventure and be inspired by the power of glitches and innovative sound design. CLEISDECX is your companion in exploring never-before-explored sonic territories, offering you the chance to create cutting-edge, boundary-less productions.
Discover the unlimited potential of CLEISDECX and immerse yourself in a universe of glitch and sound design that will take you to new musical frontiers. Get ready to break the rules and create revolutionary sounds with CLEISDEX, the ultimate sampler for true sonic innovators.

10 - 808
20 - Efx
10 - Creative Loops
60 - Glitch
60 - Drums
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